India Skydiving

The Joy of Plane Jump!

If you’re excited to know about the plane jump, you are at the right place. In this article we discuss the plane jump and provide a complete guide for the plane jump. The process of jumping from the plane is called plane jump. In very familiar words it’s also known as skydiving. Nowadays skydiving is a proper career and sport, read the article to know about plane jumping. The first time this was done by André-Jacques Garnerin in 1997 at Paris with a parachute.

History of plane jump (SKYDIVING)


History of plane jump


As we read above André-Jacques Garnerin was the first person who made a jump from a plane with the parachute and he was also the inventor of parachute. He made a successful jump from a plane in 1997 at Paris with a parachute that was the first ever jump made by any human. He was a French inventor and balloonist. His first invention looked totally differ from today’s parachute but he completed the jump without injury.

Form of Plane Jumping 


Form of Plane Jumping 


As we know jumping from a plane is known as SKYDIVING but actually skydiving is one of the famous forms of plane jumping because of its popularity it’s called plane jumping but it’s a form of jumping.


There are Three form of Jumping


SKYDIVING: Skydiving is a form of plane jumping in which a person jumps from a plane for fun and uses a parachute for safe landing. It can be done individually and with the group of divers.

BASE JUMPING: In base jumping, jumpers jump from the fixed objects like a building and from a big tower and from a floating plane like skydivers but with an open parachute it looks similar to skydiving.

WINGSUIT FLYING: Wingsuit flying is the same as sky-diving and we can say part of skydiving in which a diver jumps with a webbing-sleeved jumpsuit to extend the air time.

How to Prepare for a Plane Jump


How to Prepare for a Plane Jump


For the plane jump we required some preparations and precautions for the jumps. Complete all the necessary certification and have to pass the physical criteria for the jump lets see some things that should we done before jump:


Training and Certification

Took training and certification for the plan jump from an Authorized Skydiving training school in India its only in Narnaul (Haryana). Took a certification in skydiving only on the behalf of the certification the invigilator allows you to jump so, complete your training with the experts.


Be Prepare Mentally and Physically

For the jump you should totally fit in the physical criteria of the jump and be mentally prepared. If you have fear in making a jump then avoid it don’t make it forcefully it may be dangerous. Make sure you properly wear the safety equipment for the dive.

Common Things To Be Consider While Jumping


Common Things To Be Consider While Jumping


We know jumping from a plane is very joyful but a single mistake may ruin our life. As a diver never make Silly mistakes here are some:

Equipment Failure: Skydiving equipment is made up of proper functionality. The failure of one part does not affect the remains but as a beginner we should examine our safety gears and equipment before the jump for avoid failures.  

Weather Condition: Weather can affect our jump in many ways like high winds, heavy rain and lightning. Don’t make the decision of jumping in bad weather conditions because safety takes first priority, always check weather first. Like if you make a jump in bad light it affects your landing because safe landing depends on the visibility.

Human Error: Silly human mistakes are the leading cause of accidents like the poor packing of parachute, jumping from plane too early or not implementing the safety protocols.


Jumping from a plane is a fun and adventurous activity and requires training and certification which is done under the experts guidance. Choose an institute of skydiving to start the career and make it a huge opportunity for yourself for your career. Nowadays many youngsters see skydiving as a career so, select your training institute and start your Journey of Skydiving.

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